Road Trippin’ 2017

Social media is a wonderful tool. It allows us to spy on our enemy, keep up with our family and friends and live vicariously through your 31 year old cousin.

Ashley and her son Kayson live in Utah.

Ashley has traveled all over the world with a back-pack and roll away suitcase.

I’ve lived Ashley’s adventures through Facebook and Instagram.

She is single, yet she hits the road and lets nothing hold her back. She is a great inspiration.

Each December; like most people; I reflect on the previous year and make plans for the new year ahead of me. A few years ago I began using a “vision board”. Most are probably familiar with them………Using visual aids such as pictures from magazines, pamphlets or hand written index cards; they represent the goals you have for yourself for the year and/or your life. You group these things together on a “board” and place it in a “visually” predominate place so you can see it everyday. Mine hanges on my closet door. They are very effective. Last years “vision board” had a beach condo on it. I closed on my beach condo May 21st, 2016. I removed that “vision” from my board. That vision is now a reality.

Did I accomplish everything on my vision board for 2016?


Are they still dreams or visions?


I just moved those things to the 2017 vision board and then added to it.

Ashley took her son to Paris and the surrounding areas this year. Then they were skiing on Christmas Day. As I looked at her pictures I asked myself, “Why can’t I do that?”, and a little voice said, “You can. You can face your fears and you can do anything you set your mind to.”

I allow being single to hold me back from doing things. I don’t like to go to places alone. Who does? But I miss out on things because of my fear of being alone.

What if something happens to my car?
What if something happens to my reservation and I have no place to stay?
What if I lose my phone?
What if someone talks to me?? God forbid!!!!

The “what if’s” were holding me back.

As I worked on my plans for my 2017 vision board, I watched it evolve into a year of discovery. Discovering new roads and places……..literally. I realized there are so many places in this big state of mine, that I have never seen.

And the wheels began to turn…………

Visit one new place every month.
Incorporate it with work holidays so I don’t have to take time off (save that for my Cayman Island trip).
Stay and do on the cheap.
No more than a 4 1/2 drive (I hate to drive).

So to the internet I went. Google, mapquest and Pinterest were my best friends for a couple of weeks.

I searched.
I pinned.
I mapped.
I reserved.

I have booked myself 12 trips to places I’ve never seen; to do things I’ve never done. Ok……..a couple places I’ve been before……….Waco, TX. My grand babies live there, but I’ve never explored the city. In February, while visiting; I’m going to the Dr. Pepper museum and The Silos (or Magnolia Market, Chip and Joanna Gaines shop from HGTV). In May I’m going back to Fredericksburg, TX to hike Enchanted Rock and watch the bats take their evening flight from an abandoned railway tunnel. I’ve been to Fredericksburg twice and never knew these things existed.

Wimberly, TX to see Jacobs Well.
Lampasas, TX to Colorado Bend State Park to hike Gorman Falls.
Fulton, TX; a little beach town (you knew I’d have to through a beach trip in here somewhere)
Mineola, Tx to a yoga retreat
Brenham, TX to the Blue Bell Creamery, wineries and lavendar farms.
Ft. Worth, TX stockyards
Rusk, TX to ride the train.
Wharton, TX to visit the Tee Pee Motel.
Schulenburg, TX to tour the painted Churches.
Shiner, TX to visit the brewery where they make Shiner Beer

Though the places I have choosen are not as grand as Ashley’s travels, she has inspired me to do grand things…..for me.

Leave the “what if’s” behind.
Leave the fears behind.
Just hit the open road and make 2017 a year of discovering new places.

Road trippin’ 2017……………..

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. rainingorchids65
    Jan 16, 2017 @ 21:26:27

    I look forward to reading about your adventures! Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person


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