Over the Rainbow

I sit here comfortably in my familiar bed, with my coffee, a bowl of fruit, a pencil and my little notebook.  It’s been a month since I’ve scribbled anything of substance and one year since I started this blog.

The blog being an endeavor of escape for all the mumbo jumbo chaos in my head.  A way to release wit and laughter, heartache and sadness, anxiety and fear…………………………..

Some of life’s best laid plans have twists and turns.  Ultimately we get from point A to point B, but it may not always be in our scheduled time frame or in the direction we actually set out in…………………….but we get there………………….eventually.

The year has been an emotional test; a test of my strength, my anxiety level, my belief, my faith and my ability to adjust to unforeseen circumstances.

Unemployment is one of the most frightening situation to face.  when you feel the outside world doesn’t want or need you, you want to give up; but how can you when your very livelihood depends on the world we live in.  It’s then your path takes a different direction and you focus on a different path.  A work-around, so to speak; to give you the feeling of moving forward instead of sitting idle and just spinning your wheels.  It’s also a time when you take matters into your own hands; you maybe forced to make some life changing decisions…………………………….

One year ago, one of my first posts was about my desire to have a place at the beach on the island that I love so much.  I didn’t know when or how; I just knew one day I would.

One year ago, I didn’t know I would be faced with unemployment that would last 8 months either.  After 7 months of searching and 7 months of rejections, I decided to take matters into my own hands; the idleness was driving me crazy.

I began to focus on beginning a Pilates business in the little town where I’ve lived.  A field I’m familiar with and good at (being a fitness instructor for the last 10 years).  A local center offered space to me for just the cost of shared utilities; this was a great opportunity so I accepted it.  I would finally begin to generate some income.  It was going to be challenging; as I needed a certain number of paying clients just to break even, but I would worry about that later; for now I was moving forward.

The announcements were made, the business cards, brochures, music and small equipment bought.  I sent out personal invites to former clients and the calendar was printed.  The first class to be held on September 3rd.  I was prepared and ready.

Then I got a phone call……………………………..

I had been visiting my daughter for a week and had one more day left before heading back to spend a couple days with my son and his girlfriend.  My little cellular device rings with an unfamiliar number from Galveston; I didn’t answer it.

It was 3:30 pm on Friday afternoon.

I went on about my business with my granddaughter and disregarded the call.  Later I’m checking my phone and there is a voice mail, it’s from the Galveston County District Attorneys Office about my resume.

Who????  What????

I had to look in my little notebook I had been keeping with all my job contacts to see if I had applied for something.  There it was…………………….

3 months ago!!

I tell my daughter……………………

“I’m not calling them back.”

“What???  Why???”

“I’m already committed and focused on my classes.”

“You at least need to see what they have to say.”

“Nope.  I’m not calling.  It’s been 3 months.”

“Mom, don’t be stubborn.  At least tell me you’ll think about it over the weekend.”

“I’ll think about it, but I’m not calling.”


She made  one last attempt Saturday before I left.

“Don’t let an opportunity pass you by and that’s all I’m saying.”

I told her I’d let her know.

The rest of the weekend my mind was filled with “what if, what if, what if”.  It wasn’t until Monday morning I threw “what if” to the wind and made the phone call………………………………………

Monday through Wednesday was a blur………………………………………..

Interview, offer, accepted, HIRED!

Wednesday evening on my drive back to my home, I ask myself, “What just happened?”

My path had just made a hairpin turn doing 100 mph and my head is still spinning from the initial shock!

How was I going to explain this to the people I had already committed to?   Would they understand?  (some did, some did not)

The decision was made with very mixed emotions.  It meant leaving family and friends, leaving the place I called home for the last 23 years and starting over basically from scratch.  But it also meant a paycheck and benefits.

I find it ironic; a little case of de ja vu that I write this post one year later about one of the very things I began this blog with.

The last few days have been spent gathering work clothes and shoes (oh how I’ve missed wearing them) and other things I may need to start a new job away from my familiar surroundings.  My car is jam packed and all that’s left is gathering my cat and getting on the road.

I begin a new job tomorrow in a field I know nothing about; I leave my familiar home and relocate to the island I love and I turn 50 in exactly one month from today…………………………………………

I clicked my ruby red slippers and the tornado lifted me up and dropped me in a new Land of Oz; sitting me on a new path.

Just in a short while I will start my slide just over the rainbow and see what new adventure is waiting form me (I do hope you’ll join me).

But for know, I think I’ll sit in the coziness of my familiar bed a little while longer; after all…………………………………………..

there’s no place like home.

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Austin
    Aug 24, 2014 @ 16:05:36

    Congrats on the new job and the new start!



  2. hollie
    Aug 24, 2014 @ 21:33:57

    Congratulations! 🙂



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